Get Involved.AFC is you. We don't exist without the hundreds of volunteers who offer their time, kindness and resources.
Join Us
As an interfaith coalition, we can’t exist without your involvement. Below are a few of the ways you can make a difference in the lives of our unhoused neighbors.
Email [email protected] to get started.
Email [email protected] to get started.
Cook a Meal
Every night, a group of volunteers offers a warm meal to our shelter members. This act of hospitality reminds them of their value. Volunteers are invited to eat with shelter members, fostering a sense of mutual belonging while broadening each other's perspectives along the way.
Mentor |
Many people who experience homelessness may feel disenfranchised from family, friends and society. Our mentors meet weekly with a participant to lend an ear, offer encouragement, and remind them that they have the ability to succeed.
Volunteer at the Helpful Shop
When you volunteer for a shift at the Helpful Shop, a thrift store in Aptos, the shop donates a portion of sales to AFC. A little time and effort can help ensure over 60 people can continue to be sheltered each night through our programs!
Stock the Shelter
It takes a lot of supplies to shelter 20 people every night. You can keep our participants fed, our sites clean and our shelter moving by donating a supply kit or gift card. Once your group has collected the items in a kit, we'll schedule a pickup.
Breakfast Kits
Cleaning Kits
Gas and Meal Gift Cards