Managed encampments...,Our rotating shelter, the Armory, Page Smith, Rebele Center and Paul Lee Loft just don't meet the need. A homeless population in the thousands without enough shelters, or rentals for our unhoused neighbors force people to take matters into the their own hands.
So, we get unmanaged encampments. Organic creations of the homeless themselves who band together in communities of self-protection. Protection from being moved night after night and protection for those the prey on the homeless from within their own communities. These camps inevitably fail for they haven't the sanitation, security, structure or services to succeed. This has been going on for decades; Camp Paradise of 20 year ago through Ross Camp up to the existing Camp Paradise 4.0. We believe that small, managed encampments that have sanitary facilities, security, a degree of self-governance, with on-site access to services and case management are the reasonable and humane solution. The encampments need to be located on public properties that have been agreed upon, prepared in advance, and considered permanent for the foreseeable future. They are needed, preferred by many and cheaper to run than many alternatives. The AFC is working to help our local governments develop the necessary political will to create places in each supervisorial district that the homeless can live with dignity while working to turn their lives around. Contact us to learn how you might help. |